
Different Ways an Emotional Support Dog Can be Beneficial For You

  An emotional support dog is a lot more than just a pet. These pooches are known for providing emotional and helping people deal with various mental health issues. About 26 percent of the population of the United States suffers from some kind of mental health illness.  Mental health problems can make it difficult for the sufferer to lead a regular life. These problems can take a toll on the overall quality of life of the person.  But research shows that an emotional support dog can help people with various mental health disorders. There are many benefits of having an emotional support dog.  You just have to apply for an ESA letter to make your pet dog an emotional support dog. Some of the most common mental health conditions for which you can get an ESA dog include -  PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) Anxiety  Learning disability Attention deficit disorder (ADD) Bipolar disorder Motor skill disorders Sexual disorder Tic disorders Cognitive disorders An ESA dog can improve the ove

Learn How an Emotional Support Dog Can Help You Recover From Trauma

  A devastating event in life can leave the person with frightening memories and flashbacks. This can take a toll on the mental health and overall quality of life of the person.  Anyone who has experienced some traumatic event in the past can struggle to lead a normal life. The person can experience flashbacks, bad memories, negative feelings, and anxiety due to the trauma caused by the event. If you have also experienced some trauma in the past and feel like it’s affecting your mental health, an emotional support dog can help you. Sometimes, nothing seems to help you get rid of the negative feelings and anxiety associated with a past traumatic event. This is where an emotional support dog can help you. An emotional support dog is known for helping people deal with anxiety, and cope with past stressful events. These pooches can help your mind get rid of the negative thoughts and help you move on with your daily life. The companionship and support an emotional support dog offers can

3 Fantastic Emotional Support Dog Breeds For Apartment Living

  Living in an apartment is so common that we have nearly forgotten what it would mean to be in the wild. That said, today because of the risk of COVID-19 around the world, however unwelcomed, stress and isolation can creep into our lives with no knocking. Among the total population, approximately 73% are facing financial stress. On the other hand, millennials are feeling crunched. To improve the individual situations, there is a solution that is highly effective and inexpensive. Your ‘Rescue’ Emotional Support Dog  Whether it’s work-related stress, obstacles, or financial hurdles - your emotional support dog is your rescue. Dogs can support their owner’s overall well-being. Nowadays, small dogs are highly preferred by owners living in apartment-style buildings. Moreover, emotional support dogs also help in maintaining motivation.  More happiness : Keeping an emotional support dog helps you to stay focused and happy. As per scientific research, a dog can give you a level of satisfac

Three Benefits Of Cbd That Will Make Your Emotional Support Dog Happier

  CBD or cannabidiol is a compound in medical marijuana. Around the world, millions suffer from anxiety and body pain consume marijuana to reap its therapeutic benefits . Using cannabis makes you feel ‘calm’. It helps individuals get into good night’s sleep. Somewhat similar effects can be mirrored by emotional support dogs. At first, the idea of CBD oil to dogs would sound impossible. It’s because cannabis is under a ‘bad image’. Against all odds, leverage CBD-induced effects to make their emotional support dog ’s life simpler.  CBD Helps Emotional Support Dog  The life of a dog constantly gets bombarded with fresh smells. They have up to 200+ million receptors and we can train them to identify 50+ unique smells. In humans, the count is 50 million receptors.  Anxiety , similar to humans, even dogs, has challenges in daily life. Sometimes it might trigger anxiety. Whenever you notice an emotional support dog is trying to communicate something, then probably it's separation anxiet

5 Breeds That Make A Brilliant Emotional Support Dog

  Emotional support dogs can come from a variety of breeds. Today, they support lots of individuals from all walks of life to overcome their emotional blocks. In the fast-paced life, emotions get mostly rejected, otherwise being sensitive is inferred as a signal of vulnerability. For someone with lots of emotions, it’s harder than others to handle their feelings. That’s when emotional support falls into the picture. Now, you can transform yourself with an emotional support dog .   But, before you apply for an ESA letter, here, know the breeds that make a good emotional support dog . Once upon choosing the breed, you can apply and get an emotional support animal letter for your pet. It’s simpler, easier, and takes very little time.  List of dog breeds Poodle There is a common myth about this breed. They might be national dogs for France, yet the origin point of this breed is in Germany. They initially bred poodles to hunt, even today they are sometimes called water retrievers. It’s e

How to Register my Dog as an Emotional Support Dog?

  Emotional support dogs can be good friends for patients with anxiety, depression, PTSD, etc. They provide ultimate therapeutic support , thus boosting mood and reducing panic attacks. You are legally allowed to live with your emotional support dog under the Fair Housing Act. For that, you must have an ESA letter signed by a licensed mental health professional. What’s an Emotional Support Dog Letter? An emotional support dog letter is a kind of recommendation letter issued by a therapist. It states that the patient is suffering from a mental illness, which can be managed with pet therapy. It demonstrates to the housing provider that the patient is legally allowed to live with their ESA under the FHA. To get an ESA letter, you can see any licensed mental health professional. Here’s the list of professionals who can write an emotional support dog letter—a psychologist, psychiatrist, or primary care physician. If you are currently working with a therapist, consider asking for an emotion

Learn About The Reasons Behind Your Emotional Support Dog’s Bad Behavior

  Has your emotional support dog been showing bad behavior recently? Well, in order to tackle this problem, you need to understand the cause behind it.  In this article, we are going to learn about the top reasons why an emotional support dog may develop bad behavior.  An emotional support dog is known for helping people deal with various mental and psychological health conditions. While they do not need any special training, it is essential for these ESA dogs to behave appropriately in public places.  But if your emotional support dog is showing behavioral problems, instead of saying “bad dog” right away, try to understand what is causing this undesirable behavior. This will help you tackle the issue and help your dog. Having said that, here are some of the most common reasons why your emotional support dog may be showing bad behavior. Reasons Why Your Emotional Support Dog May Develop Bad Behavior If your emotional support dog is not getting enough exercise. Your ESA do